Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Mischievous Goats - WIP

The reference photo for this work can be found in, specifically on the July 2010 oil pastel challenge thread hosted by Tatiana. Every contributor to the thread has done awesome jobs in their own unique styles, I just can't stop marveling at their creative strokes.

The reference photos for this month's challenge are so delightful that I couldn't help but feeling excited to try and draw them myself, despite finding OP rather tough to work with. I consider myself a beginner, so don't be surprise if you find my drawing resembled those drawn by school children. *laughs* Now I kind of regret for not paying attention to the art teachers during my schooling years long time ago.

In the beginning ... I almost gave up, highly tempted to crumple and throw this piece away, I thought it looked horrible!
My mum said I shouldn't give up so easily, and to continue working on it...
Okay, I decided not to abandon this piece and to continue working on it ...
The colors that I used:

Most of the premium brands are not available at my fav. local art store. I promise myself I'll invest in one of those premium brands sometime in the next few months.

It's not entirely finished yet. I wanna do some touch-ups on the background.
Behold, the mischievous goats of Stoney Creek Iris farm!

On a 135 gsm, 279 mm x 381 mm drawing pad, using Buncho Oil Pastel.

Photo taken with the flash light OFF:-******

Photo taken with the flash light ON:-******

Taken with the flash light OFF:-******

Taken with the flash light ON:-

Touch me!


  1. Beautiful work, looks like you are a natural to work with OP's! I love how the front goat looks like he's about to step right out of the painting!

  2. very beautiful Elena. You have a fresh style.
    Your blog is so lovely and cheerful. Glad to meet you.

    Wish i knew where is that land of hornbills;)

    Hugs, Elly
